Thursday, August 6, 2009

I really haven't kept up w. this whole blogging thing have I?? NOPE.
Im anxiously awaiting my baby boy's arrival, Im 20 days away from my due date and every little pain I have I keep thinking im in labor. I have SO much stuff to get done before he gets here its not even funny. I have to completely clean my room, top to bottom because he is going to be sleeping in my room for the first couple months of his life and let me tell you my room is a un-organized DISASTER! I have probably 300 magazines that date all the way back to 2002, a whole dresser full of clothes that i havent worn in years, a million bottles of hair products, a closet full of high-heels that i will never be able to wear again in my life & a desk full of old binders and text books from high school! So, between today and this tuesday comming up I plan to have my room completely de-clutterfied and beautifully organized. ( miracles do happen!!)

A little update on the pregnancy: As of my last appointment, which was last friday- I have lost 2 pounds (wooohooo) and I have a bladder infection (NOT woohooo). Im measuring right where I should be and the baby's heart beat is nice a strong. He kicks all day and night long, if hes as active when he comes out I will NEVER get any sleep! but my naive self thinks that sounds AWESOME!! haha

well thats all for now folks. I'll try and write more often. Send me some "go into labor" thoughts if you could!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

second last day of work

Hi all,

Let me introduce myself, I am Maria and i'm a mommy-to-be and have decided to start a blog; i have to admit i feel like im a copycat because i definitly stole this idea ;) First of all if you dont like when people dont spell things correctly, swear or have very strong opinions about things then you shouldn't read my blog! You have been warned so no leaving rude comments.

For right now this is all i will write sence im currently sitting at work on my second last day, and well this website isn't quite "work approved." Tomorrow is my last day of work before i start my maternity leave so you can bet your lucky socks I will update this ALOT while waiting for my little bundle of love to arrive -- which is August 26th, 2009!!! <3

bye bye for nowwwww...